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(1 edit) (+1)

Ayy, you cooked!!!

make them have health so if they bounce they get damage, that's gonna be cool, also make that if you run more than one they can bounce or fight each other

how do i run this?

Sorry for the late answer! In case you didn't figure it out: download and extract the ZIP file (the buddy itself, not the source code), then execute "main.exe" to start the buddy up!

Yeah thanks! turns out my antivirus sneakily send the main.exe file to quarantine without telling me, got it to work. Awesome program!

Oh that's unfortunate. I still need to figure out how to properly sign the app to avoid these false positives from happening as often. Still, thanks for downloading it, and happy to see you enjoy it!

(1 edit)

can u make it so when you add more than one, it doesn't eat ur fps. Also can you make it so that more than 1 character can fight each other. that'd be so cool

also, the 'being dragged up' sprite is swapped with the 'dragged down' sprite

yea I just noticed

You fuckin madlad

Add more characters and give the option to upload our own characters


why cant i kill it

i want the little bastard dead 

Right click on Ninja to open the context menu (it's easier to catch it while it's on the ground), then select "Close".

If that menu isn't popping up, that's a bug, but task manager should do the trick.

Cool buddy for me desktop